How to become a PUBG pro

PUBG mobile! Ever since the game was launched by Tencent Co. back in 2018, it attracted millions of followers. The game is extremely well received by users and critics alike, winning the 'Golden Joystick Award' in 2018. Unlike its pc counterpart, this game is very well optimized, can achieve a reasonable ping even with a moderate internet connection, and runs smoothly on most budget android devices. But what does it take to become really good in this game? Isn't it cool to get a 'PUBG pro' tag from your fellow PUBG buddies? In this article, we will discuss some basic tricks to master the game, so lets dive in.
(source: Google)

1. Get a good device to run the game smoothly: 

(source: Google)
There's a saying in English, "It's not the tool, it's the man".  However, in the world of PUBG mobile, it's quite the opposite. Having a good gaming phone gives you a tremendous advantage over other players who are using relatively low spec devices. In this game, the devices with a higher refresh rate will help you to knock your enemy out faster. Frankly speaking, if you are really a pro, you can outperform your opponent even with a lower-end device, however, it is still recommended to use a mobile with at least 4 GB ram (preferably 6 GB), running on top of Snapdragon 710, Kirin 970, Exynos 9611 or higher processors. 
With a good device, a decent internet connection is a MUST. If possible, get a good wifi connection or use the mobile network that steadily gives at least 80-100 ms ping.

2. Make the most of the training ground:

The training ground is an excellent feature of PUBG mobile. It helps the beginners to get used to with the control, moderate gamers to learn how to use jiggle (move left-right while shooting, your opponent will have a hard time to get a proper aim) or drop shot ( suddenly prone down in front of your enemy to choke their aim), and the professionals to make their M416 spray or sniping perfect. Regardless of your tier and level in the game, if you want to master PUBG, you must invest a decent amount of time in the training ground. From close combat technique to long-range spray, you can polish each of your skills here.

3. Find a good squad and practice with them:

PUBG is a team game. It is true that an amazingly skilled player can single-handedly turned the game to their favor, however, at the end of the day, usually, the team with the best co-ordination gets the 'Winner Winner Chicken Dinner'. Having a good team is extremely beneficial since the players can help each other when in need and pull themselves out from the worst-case scenarios as well. A team of relatively noob players having good team coordination, communication, synchronization, and synergy can defeat a team of pro players lacking these virtues.

4. Practice 'Solo vs Squad' games:

Okay, in the 3rd point of this article, we talked about how awesome it is to have a good team and now we are telling you to go solo against a squad! Sounds weird? However, the major point is playing solo vs squad will improve your gameplay and boost your confidence significantly. A fearless, confident player is an asset to any team, who charges towards the enemies mercilessly, and can knock down multiple players in crucial times. If you are afraid that playing solo vs squad in the classic match can bring your k/d down, try doing 1v4 clutches in arcade mode. Also when playing with your squad, try jumping to 'hot-drops' ( like Georgopool, Military base, Pochinki, Bootcamp, Pecado, etc) to get good kills as well as improve your gameplay techniques. 

5. Get a good gun combo (and be persistent with using it):

What role do you play in your squad? If you are a frontline assaulter, you can use M416+AKM or M416+Uzi as your combination. If you are a sniper, you may pick any AR ( preferably M416, considering how excellent this gun is in both short and mid-range), coupled with a bolt action rifle ( Kar98 or M24) or a DMR (Mini14, SKS, SLR, etc). However, if you are the last man standing from your team, I would highly recommend using M416 with any bolt action sniper, cause the 'One-hit-knock' will become extremely handy if you are the lone survivor.
an M416 (source: Google)

6. Use vehicles properly. 

It is always good to use at least 2 cars, as it has many advantages of doing so. Firstly, say when you are rushing towards a compound, with two cars you can attack from two opposite directions to confuse the enemy (as well as forcing then into a 'sandwiched' situation); they will also get scared thinking two squads have pushed against them. Moreover if somehow one car becomes unusable ( because of taking lots of damage), you would still have one more 'Vahana' to carry you towards the zone. Last but not the least, vehicles can give you a 'removable cover', which is extremely necessary if you are taking the fight in the open.
Using a vehicle as a cover (Source: Google)

7. Customize your controls:

The default control setting of PUBG mobile is a two-finger thumb set up. Although there are many Indian and International players doing wonder with two-finger set up, they all have customized the control according to their convenience. But still, I would always advise using 3-finger or 4-finger claw setup as it will allow you to implement new gameplay techniques, such as moving and shooting simultaneously, use crouch and fire in close range, apply a drop-shot, etc. I would suggest using 'Gyroscope' (you can enable it from settings) as it makes recoil control super easy and also helps to aim properly.

A 3 finger set up (Use the Index  finger of the left hand to shoot)

A 4 finger set up (Decrease the transparency of buttons to enhance your view)

8. A few more advises at the end:

Last but not the least, I would like to add a few more tips which you should keep in mind while playing.

  • Always use a good headphone, I am not telling you to buy a gaming headphone of  ₹ 5000+ ( if you can afford then, of course, you should use ) but any decent earphone will do the job nicely, as sound plays a massive role in the game. The footsteps can tell you exactly where the enemies are even though you can't see them.
  • Carry a lot of throwables like smoke grenades(5-6), grenades(3-4), Molotov cocktail(1-2). Smokes will give you much-needed cover when you are out there in open and grenade and Molotov can knock the enemy who might be camping inside a house.
  • Respect the blue zone. You might not fear other players but you have to respect the blue zone. So when the safe zone is very small and distant from you, it is not a good idea to take a fight outside the safe zone cause if you get knocked out, revival would become extremely tough.
  • Aim for the head while having a close-range fight. In a close encounter, most of the time the player who lands the first headshot wins.
  • Take cover and use peek and shoot whenever possible, as with this you will expose yourself much less but still be able to land a lethal blow. 
  • If your device supports, use 'Smooth+Extreme' graphics setting as it will help you spot enemies quicker and the game will run very smoothly.

That's all for today. Hope this article will help you at least a little to improve your gameplay. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. See you guys next time, SAYONARA.  
